As I was driving all over Orange County yesterday life hit me. I stopped at Starbucks for a quick pick me up on the way to get my much overdue haircut. I had an appointment back in August (beginning to be exact) and ended up having to cancel. It is now beginning of October & my hair finally had a date with the scissors. As I drove out of the parking lot with coffee in hand & a deep breath, I mumbled to myself I will be glad when life slows down a bit and we can get back to normal. Normal? What exactly is normal? For us it is where we get to enjoy more home cooked meals at home and that is something I am missing dearly. My house usually doesn’t see dirtiness or piles of stuff as often as it has the last couple of months. I am OCD people I just function better with routines, schedules & neatness. But, for now this is our normal – running around to meetings, looking at a tape measure more than I have in a lifetime, talking to people for endless hours on the phone (not easy for a non-phone person), pushing plans with friends off, on the go meals, etc. It is a normal I will gladly accept and have fully come to embrace being that the light at the end of the tunnel is what I am helping to build – our home. The place where we can create a “new” normal and look back and see that we gained a little more knowledge than we had before all of this.
I have lots of planning going on and some that will be revealed soon. I got to stand on our 2ndfloor & fully appreciate what is being built. The pictures do not even come close to giving the view justice. I am seeing things come alive. I love knowing that the house we will be living in I know it in its entirety, deep down to its bare bones.
I wrote the above last Thursday (10/4/12). This shows you I am behind L
Now we are constantly chanting “RAIN RAIN GO AWAY”! It has been raining so much that we are a little behind on the house. They are able to work a little but not much.
I have been running around like crazy. Mom took a little tumble & fell the other night. I’ve had full marathon days and I won’t lie I am exhausted. Through the fire & this recent drama has brought some special people into our lives. There is some common ground that we stand on together. But, when I say how thankful I am to have had them enter into our lives I just don’t think it would give the circumstance justice. Anna & Joe if you read this - we love you and can't even begin to say thank you enough. If anyone close by Cornwall....go check out Annarellas on the Green!!
Some of my friendships have taken a back seat & for that I am so terribly sorry. My friends are very special & important to me. I know I can call upon each one & without fail you’d be there. I thank you for having patience with me. I assure you we are going to have one big party to celebrate the new house and new beginnings!!
I have so much to do this afternoon, but I promise to be back soon with updated pictures....looks so much different!
Much love, peace & happiness!!
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