My $5.00 Headboard - Test Blog

My $5.00 Headboard

The headboard in our room went like this.  

I had ventured into Habitat Restore one afternoon (like many of my afternoons).  I walked downstairs & saw this great looking window.  It did have a crack going through one of the panes, but I loved it anyway.  SO I grabbed it right up for $5.  

When I got home my husband just looked at me & shook his head.  Asked me then what I thought I was going to do with that thing!!  I said I am making it into a headboard.  He snickered under his breath but I heard him....

I did my thing with it (took the broken glass out, painted it, etc) , attached it to some posts we had and there I had myself a $5.00 headboard!  

This was when we originally set it up in the room.  

I knew I wanted to add to the area behind our pillows, but I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet.  I thought about faux tin tiles, but when I brought one home, I just didn't like the look.  

I have seen many projects on pinterest and some that bloggers had done that I really liked & wanted to do.  When I saw the rustic bench that Holly at Down to Earth Style did I knew this was it!

Rustic Back Bench

 It just fit into the style of the headboard!  

I choose colors that went with our decor.  I can easily change colors if I really want.

A $5.00 headboard since all of the boards we had, the paint I had on hand as well.



  1. You are so creative! I love it, Lynn. It looks wonderful.

  2. looks great Lynn!!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  3. Love this--what a great headboard with lots o impact. Thanks for linking up!

  4. What a great idea! It turned out wonderfully. I'm hosting a fall wreath giveaway that you should enter!


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