Busy full weekend - Test Blog

Busy full weekend

Happy Monday and a very big thank you to each and all of the service men and women...especially to my daddy!!

Thank you all!

We celebrated my husbands birthday this weekend.  I started preparing food on Friday...all day long, then took my oldest to ballet, came home and continued until that night when I finally went to bed at 11.  I loved it..I'll admit it!  I just love to cook & I turned my ipod on, and got my cook on!!

I had made a pot of beef chili, chicken chipotle chili, and chicken tortilla soup....all the day before (they always taste better the 2nd day).  I also cut up a ton of chicken to make fried chicken and homemade chicken nuggets for the kids.  I cut up a ton of veggies.  I then decided to make cute menus...at 10 pm!!

I made the menus using my Silhouette Cameo and wallpaper.  It was super easy!  Have I ever mentioned how much I love my Silhouette?  I really love it and have been using it a ton lately!!  It is really easy to use and adds a punch.  Everyone commented on the menus. 

The next morning my kitchen was a chaotic cooking mess....  My oldest had her last soccer game at 9 am.  But, guess who had a sinus infection!  I had felt it coming and bam it hit me so hard...  By Saturday night I was hurting, but I pushed through and knew I could chill on Sunday!

I had fried chicken going on one side of the kitchen and the Texas Sheet cake on the other side!!  Have you had Texas Sheet cake?  It is soooo yummy!  Everyone loved it...

Armadillo Eggs...

The start of fried chicken
Apple dumplings and the Texas Sheet cake
I know it was my husbands birthday, but in the middle of cooking, the doorbell rang and FEDEX delivered my new camera (to be fair I had ordered it on Friday)...  Oh it was exciting!!  I am still learning how to use it... But, as of now I love it.

On with the party! It was awesome.  A house full of family and friends.... lots of kids... tons of laughter and full bellies.  It is what a birthday celebration is supposed to be all about!

I went to bed exhausted but satisfied!  I had very little leftover food...which in my mind equals a successful evening! 

Chicken Tortilla Soup
Beef Chili
Chipotle Chicken Chili
Armadillo Eggs
Fried Chicken
Chicken Nuggets
Apple Dumplings
Texas Sheet Cake
Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you are interested in any of the recipes, I will be happy to pass them along.  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!


  1. What a great menu, Lynn. Everything looks yummy. I'm going to have to get a Silhouette after seeing this post and others about how neat it is and the wonderful things you can make. I hope you're feeling better soon!


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