DecoArt Timeless Grain Sack inspired side table - Test Blog

DecoArt Timeless Grain Sack inspired side table

Whew that title was a mouth full!! 
I will start off by saying...  I am not being asked to write this blog nor am I being paid for it!! I'd like to be paid in paint if anyone is reading ::cough::

Anywho...  I saw that Home Depot was carrying DecoArt Chalky Paint now.  So I jumped online and ordered some.  See I have a garage full and a partial basement full of my auction furniture finds. And, I like trying new paints. 

I have had these little side tables for a while... never really cared for them much. 
I decided I'd try the DecoArt Chalky Paint out on one of them because honestly if I didn't like the paint I didn't care about the table.  Well....let me just say I LOVE... like seriously super puffy heart in love with this paint.

It went on super smooth.  It adhered nicely.  It was easy to sand and not chip off too much. 

I only used 2 coats & it covered as perfect as I what I wanted!

I let it dry for a couple of hours because I was meeting my daddy for lunch and had errands to run. 

And, then I added a couple of red stripes for an inspired grain sack look.

Distressed lightly...

Changed the pull to this cute thing I found at Hobby Lobby that I've been dying to use!!

DecoArt also carries a water based wax that I used on the table.  And, I was as impressed with it as I am with the paint.  It is fast drying and goes on nice & smooth.

The table was painted in the color called Timeless and waxed with the clear wax.  The red stripes is some of Miss Mustard Seed Tricycle I had leftover from the curio cabinet makeover.

And, the little teacart I promised to show...  It is finished, but I wanted to show this cutie first.  BUT, I will give you this to hold you over until the full reveal!  Oh man it is a cutie as well... My hubby even commented on it without being prompted...

~ Lynn

1 comment

  1. Lynn it turned out perfect! I love the paint too, I mean of my faves. You can't beat the price either!


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