Miss Mustard Tricycle Red Curio Cabinet Makeover - Test Blog

Miss Mustard Tricycle Red Curio Cabinet Makeover

I picked this cute little curio cabinet up at an online auction (same one that I scored my HUGE $25 French Armoire).

I mean really it wasn't all that cute, but I saw potential & I had a plan for it!!  

At this particular auction items like this come in lots.  So you are bidding on more than one piece of furniture (usually all smaller pieces).

Don't you just love two toned plastic on the windows?  Yeah me either....

So...I pulled it off.  It was just stuck on there with 2 sided tape...strange!  I also used a deglosser before I applied my paint.

I knew I wanted red....

So... I went with Miss Mustard Seed Tricycle... 

.....waxed it with Miss Mustard Seed clear furniture wax...

And..here you have a transformed not so pretty to oh so pretty curio cabinet that I simply love!

I restyled a couple of times...

or maybe 5 or 6...

But, this is it for now....

Both of the photos are really old... One is my daddy riding one of horses when he was a young man, and the other is of my grandmother with one of my aunts in horse drawn carriage!  Love these 2 pictures!!

I can't wait to pull out my Christmas decorations for this little table.  It's so cute...  

Oh and that door...scored at Habitat ReStore for $5!!

In this lot of auction wins was a tea cart, a tall side table and a small dresser.  I seriously can't wait to show you what I am doing with the tea cart... coming soon!

~ Lynn


  1. Lynn - love the red color...and the door - great score!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  2. Lynn, that turned out fabulous. I can't even believe its the same cabinet. And you know how much I love RED..:)
    Have a beautiful day!

  3. Out of the park girl! Color, placement, styling. SO cute!!!!!


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